Claire Dyson

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Claire Dyson

Counsellor, Lead Partner

BA (Hons), Registered Member MBACP (Accred)  

From £70.00 (50 minute session)

Claire is a BACP accredited integrative relational counsellor.  Claire will choose from several different types of therapies integrating them to create a therapeutic approach tailored to your specific needs.  The relationship between client and therapist accounts for a large percentage of how successful therapy is likely to be, and Claire is trained to create an environment where your partnership will thrive and enable you to receive the help you seek. Claire has two areas of particular interest:

  1. Working with couples who find the same "Groundhog day" discussion or disagreement with their partner keeps coming up, escalating into a row and spoiling an otherwise good relationship.  Those eye-rolling moments where you think “here we go again” yet you both seem powerless to get out of the hurtful, destructive cycle by yourselves. With Claire’s support you each take an objective, non-judgemental look at the relationship you and your partner have created between you, acknowledge what each likes and enjoys about it, investigate what drives those upsetting cycles, share what each would like to be different and aim to find a kinder, more constructive pattern of relating as result.
  2. Working with those who express their emotional distress through bouts of over-eating which feels addictive or compulsive (also known as emotional eating, comfort eating or binge eating). Claire works with you to understand what is eating this way for, how you got into the habit to start with and, with that insight and some work to boost self-esteem and body-esteem, how to get out of it.

Claire has also supported people dealing with loss (death, dementia, break-up, miscarriage, the reality of old age, confidence, childlessness), anxiety, depression, explosive anger, feeling overwhelmed by life, stress, questioning sexual orientation and low self-esteem.  

Claire creates a non-judgemental breathing space in which you can put the world on pause and, with no one making demands on you, reflect, get to what is really troubling you, the root causes of this and then chose what, if anything, you want to do about it.

Claire charges £70 per session for adults and £90 per session for couples.

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