Abuse, whether current or historical, can be deeply distressing for the person who has experienced it. Abuse can come in many forms such as; child abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and domestic abuse.
Abuse can leave us feeling bewildered or ashamed. Often feelings of personal responsibility or guilt are associated with this deeply distressing issue. It is important to remember that abuse is not always visible and can be difficult to come to terms with. Understanding the impact that being abused has can be very difficult to do alone. However it is important to note that some may manage to reconcile their about alone while others need the help of their GP or a trained counsellor.
If you are suffering from any form of abuse please contact your GP immediately and consider contacting a counsellor.
At The Practice, we offer a wide range of help and support for issues surrounding abuse. This includes; abuse counselling, domestic abuse help, sexual abuse counselling and much more. Please get in touch with us if you require help or would like any additional information.
What to do right now:
If you are, or feel you are, in danger contact the police immediately by dialling ‘999’. If you have a non-medical, non-emergency issue, or you need any sort of help or advice, call the national non-emergency helpline by dialling ‘101’.
Useful Articles
Here's a list of articles about abuse you might find helpful.
What Abuse Survivors Don't Know: Ten Life-Changing truths to Embrace on the Healing Journey
The journey to healing from emotional and/or physical abuse requires us to revolutionize our thinking about relationships, self-love, self-respect and self-compassion. Abusive relationships often serve as the catalyst for incredible change and have the potential to motivate us towards empowerment and strength.
Five signs you are being emotionally abused
The journey to discovering that you are suffering from abuse can be a long and confusing one, coming to terms with the fact someone is causing you harm is never easy. It isn't always easy to recognise when you are being abused and this article walks you through the most common signs.
#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou was a hashtag started on Twitter to raise awareness that emotional/mental abuse is just as important as physical abuse. This article shows tweets about the kind of behaviour classed as emotional abuse.
What to do if you suspect child abuse
Suspecting child abuse can be scary and challenging when you don't know what your first steps should be.This articlewill help with how to initially react if you suspect a child you know is being mistreated.
Recognising Abuse
There are many different ways in which someone could be being abused:physically, emotionally, sexually,financially. Some people may be unaware or in denial about the fact they are being abused.
Gender and domestic abuse
There are many misconceptions and assumptions about the relationships between abuse and gender, thisarticle givesresearch and statistics on the relationship between gender and abuse.
TED Talk: Jimmy Carter: Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse
With his signature resolve, former US President Jimmy Carter dives into three unexpected reasons why the mistreatment of women and girls continues in so many manifestations in so many parts of the world, both developed and developing. The final reason he gives? “In general, men don’t give a damn.”
Recommended Reading
Powerful Quotes and Poems to inspire you
Dare we hope? We dare.
Can we hope? We can.
Should we hope? We must, because to do otherwise is to waste the most precious of gifts given so freely by God to all of us. So when we do die, it will be with hope and it will be easy and our hearts will not be broken.
Andy Ripley – England and Lions rugby legend, often described as one of the most colourful personalities in the history of English rugby
Helpful articles often written by our fabulous practitioners.